THIS ITEM IS N Scale!!!! For GOD so Loved the World that he gave his Only Son, that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. Up for your consideration is a Brand NEW, NEW Stock - N Scale ATLAS MODEL RAILROAD Company, Inc.
40 005 161 Ready-to-Run - GE Dash 8-40B Locomotive Lettered for The SOUTHERN PACIFIC Railroad with the following Road Number SP # 8017. Model is Fully Assembled and features the following : DECODER EQUIPPED With ESU SOUND & DCC Straight from the Factory : Ready-To-Run : Maximum DC12V : Body Mounted Accu-Mate Knuckle Couplers : Directional Golden White LED Headlights. Superb Paint & Lettering : Accurately Painted - Printed : For Ages 14 and up.
Don't miss them again. I have been in the Hobby and Retail sales in this Hobby along with Sports Cards, Coins & Other Collectibles since 1991. I own and operate a Retail Store. Thank You for viewing my Listings and I hope you find something you like for the price you want to pay. Good Luck and God bless!!!!
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